Thursday, September 2, 2010


9/02/2010 (Thursday)

Today is 90210 day!!! I didn't realize that until my friend Annie Howington posted it as her facebook status. It made me so happy! If I had known sooner I would have found a way to celebrate. And I still will try after work. So my pictures so far today have been pictures I have taken of my computer screen for pictures of the original cast of 90210.


  1. WHOA. I didn't realize how late 80's that show REALLY was until I saw that picture just now. I love it.

  2. I agree... I forgot about the AMAZING fashion!

  3. Sorry to get techincal here, but it was actually a 90s show--through and through (1990-2000).

    And I went to 90210 on 90210 day (Beverly Hills library! woot!).
