Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 11th

11 November 2010- DAY 100!!!


Today's photo comes to us from Boxing Jesse. He had a sparring match today, and knocked someone out. But I took a picture of him, because he has a cool bruise on his nose. He got punched in the nose by his opponent.

The blood on his shirt apparently isn't his.

Boys are wierd.

*Another funny side note. Today is Armistice Day, commemorating the signing of the treaty after WWI. Jesse punched someone out of a remembrance day of peace... ha ha ha.


  1. Either it is REALLY cold in there or Jesse is SUPER excited about knocking someone out.... Momma said knock you out!!

  2. You know, boxing and hokey are the two sports I wish I knew more about and could follow teams and watch regularly. Strange how those are also two of the more violent sports. I wonder what that says about me. . .

  3. Samalama... to answer your question.. it is always cold in our house... but Jesse isn't normally running around in only a wife beater... ha ha ha

    Ella... you like two violent sports, because you secretly want to be an ice hockey boxing ninja. Don't worry lady... your secret is safe with me. Or should I say... was safe with me... but now the three people that read this blog will know of your secret. (Well seeing as you and I are two of the three, it really only seems like Samiee is the only newbie that knows.)

    Man I am tired. This comment is crazy! What does that say about me?
