Thursday, June 11, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance!

Alright so this is an old obsession of mine. I really got into it last season and watched it each week with a bunch of my friends. We could not miss a week, and we voted each week. My favorite won, and now I am even more hooked!

So the first real episode was last night, where the 10 couples each had a dance in a different style. What's funny is that I got Hilary hooked last night. She came over and we had dinner and then watched the show. (DISCLAIMER- I am about to reveal just how obsessed I am... and how that seems to be part of my personality. Samiee and I giggle about our obsessions... I mean come on we have a blog about our obsessions.) Well I also had to tape the show because my roommate Cherie wasn't going to be there to watch it. So Hilary and I watched all the dances, and wrote down our favorites and then voted. (Well Hilary had to vote for me because I kept getting a busy signal whenever I tried.) Well Cherie came home and guess what... we re-watched all of the dances! No joke... I really am obsessed.

You can see my analysis of it on my other blog

PS Samiee I think you need to become obsessed with this show.. it's awesome! I have Hilary on my side, and I also know that Rachel Mecham, Courtney, and Kathy all love it!

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