Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Things WE (Sarah and Samiee) find funny

OK here are a list of things/people we find funny and also WHY we (Sarah and Samiee) think it is funny!

When we are "bored"* at work.... we send eachother clips from youtube of the funny people listed below. It brightens everyones' day to hear us, Samiee especially, giggling then the clips eventually get shared amongst the group!
* I say "bored" b/c that NEVER happens! hehehe

Here are some current faves:

*Chelsea Handler-She is just funny and has a HILARIOUS and innapropriate nickname for her father!!

*Russell Brand-"You had me at BITCH BOY!" Go check him out on http://www.youtube.com/ Russell Brand in New York

*Tim Minchin-"If you open your mind to much... your brain will fall out!"


*Loni Love- aka Black Magic

*Squint Squad- From BONES... their lack of social skills make me and Sarah feel like pop star icons!!!

* Jim Gaffigan- " Kitty wants some candy!"

1 comment:

  1. What's really funny is in a few weeks, we will probably make a whole new list of things that we love. We are that ADD. Ha ha ha
