Saturday, February 19, 2011

Samiee's POTD

This is the view from my seat leaving Regan airport on my way home. It was an early morning flight and I was REALLY, REALLY sick. I was coughing, fevering and sounded like I swallowed broken glass. Just what someone wants to sit next to on a flight huh? 

I thought this picture turned out well despite being taken a) on my phone and b) through a dirty airplane window.
The night before I had arrived in Arlington, Virginia via Greyhound bus from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was a loooong ride.I was super sick but my boss was kind enough to put me up in the swanky Hyatt Regency near the airport to make up for making me take a friggin bus.

When I arrived in Harrisburg very early in the morning it looked a lot like what I imagine the streets of Harry Potter looked like so I snapped this picture.


  1. samalamadingdong! Do you remember when you told me you hadn't been on a plane very many times or recently. Now look at you... all traveled and swanky!

    Awesome pictures. I'm sorry your sick. But I love hearing about your adventures!

  2. Yes, I DO remember saying that... funny how things change huh?

    I am finally feeling better... still coughing a bit but def. better.
