Monday, April 25, 2011

April 24th

24 April 2011- Day 264


Today was Easter Sunday and it was a lovely day. To checkout the details on the day you can see the post here but I will just highlight some of my fav's for the day.

#1 I got to be the Easter Bunny and bring goodies to my house mates. (The chocolate in the cake pan is for Annie, and the chocolate in the pie dish is for the Thorsons. I thought it was fitting.)

#2 Annie finally took a picture of her favorite way to wear socks. That's right... only on one foot. She does this on purpose.

#3 The Potters came to dinner, and entertained us for the evening. (In this picture Heather is trying to be Jesse. Heather is the girl on the right side of the picture.)


  1. Because when they're both cold it's horrible when they touch. Just one is comfy, and still nice and airy :)
